Convert TIF to SVG (Fast & Free)

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How to convert TIF to SVG ?

  1. Select TIF files you want to convert, from your computer or drag and drop it on the page.
  2. Press the "Convert" button in order to convert TIF to SVG.
  3. When the conversion is completed, click "Download" on the desired converted SVG file.

Browser Reliable

All conversions can be made on all popular browser, such as: Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Opera

Fast Conversions

Our mission as a cloud-based solution: Fast conversions being made on our side in seconds

High-Quality Tools

Our team is actively focusing on using the best tools and technologies in converting methods

Secured Conversions

Your data is not stored on our platform at all - being used only for the conversion itself - now including extra security via the latest technology updates

Mobile Friendly

High Tech solutions built for you - ready to be used on all mobile platforms, including Android, iOS or Windows

Free to Use

All conversions are completely free on our platform - feel free to use it as much as you want


Useful information about TIF

Extension: TIF
Name: Tagged Image File Format
Mime Type: image/tiff
Converter: TIF Converter
Description: Tag Image File Format, abbreviated TIFF or TIF, is an image file format for storing raster graphics images, popular among graphic artists, the publishing industry, and photographers. TIFF is widely supported by scanning, faxing, word processing, optical character recognition, image manipulation, desktop publishing, and page-layout applications. The format was created by the Aldus Corporation for use in desktop publishing. It published the latest version 6.0 in 1992, subsequently updated with an Adobe Systems copyright after the latter acquired Aldus in 1994. Several Aldus or Adobe technical notes have been published with minor extensions to the format, and several specifications have been based on TIFF 6.0, including TIFF/EP (ISO 12234-2), TIFF/IT (ISO 12639), TIFF-F (RFC 2306) and TIFF-FX (RFC 3949). - Source

Useful information about SVG

Extension: SVG
Name: Scalable Vector Graphics
Mime Type: image/svg+xml
Converter: SVG Converter
Description: Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an XML-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics with support for interactivity and animation. The SVG specification is an open standard developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) since 1999. SVG images are defined in a vector graphics format and stored in XML text files. SVG images can thus be scaled in size without loss of quality, and SVG files can be searched, indexed, scripted, and compressed. The XML text files can be created and edited with text editors or vector graphics editors, and are rendered by the most-used web browsers. - Source