Convert AMR to WV (Fast & Free)

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How to convert AMR to WV ?

  1. Select AMR files you want to convert, from your computer or drag and drop it on the page.
  2. Press the "Convert" button in order to convert AMR to WV.
  3. When the conversion is completed, click "Download" on the desired converted WV file.

High-Quality Tools

Our team is actively focusing on using the best tools and technologies in converting methods

Fast Conversions

Our mission as a cloud-based solution: Fast conversions being made on our side in seconds

Mobile Friendly

High Tech solutions built for you - ready to be used on all mobile platforms, including Android, iOS or Windows

Secured Conversions

Your data is not stored on our platform at all - being used only for the conversion itself - now including extra security via the latest technology updates

Browser Reliable

All conversions can be made on all popular browser, such as: Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Opera

Free to Use

All conversions are completely free on our platform - feel free to use it as much as you want


Useful information about AMR

Extension: AMR
Name: Adaptive Multi-rate Codec File
Mime Type: audio/amr
Converter: AMR Converter
Description: An AMR file is an audio file saved in a compressed audio format developed by Ericsson. It is optimized for storing spoken audio and is used by many 3G cell phones to store voice recordings, which include MMS messages. AMR files incorporate the Algebraic Code Excited Linear Prediction (ACELP) algorithm, which is designed to efficiently compress human speech audio. AMR files may be saved in either the AMR-NB (Narrowband) or AMR-WB (Wideband) format. Wideband audio supports a broader frequency range and therefore provides better sound quality. - Source

Useful information about WV

Extension: WV
Name: WavPack Audio File
Mime Type: audio/x-wv
Converter: WV Converter
Description: The WV files are audio files that are compressed using WavPack Hybrid compression. Both lossless and lossy compressions are supported by WavPack. This audio format offers unparalleled functionality. WV files contain digital audios which are being compressed by WavPack Audio. The lossless mode is perfect for archiving audio data and compression of data without any degradation and loss of a bit are abilities of Wavpack. It has an open-source library interface along with an unrestricted license. These files are mostly related to the Sonarc compressors. These WavPack compressed audio files have 30 to 70 percent of the original file size. - Source